Painting by Nature


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In Defence Of Thinking Too Much

April 13th, 2018

Have you ever been told that you think too much? I know I have. It might be in the same ballpark of people’s judgments as that of being too sensitive, because they can often be found co-existing within us. Sensitivity provokes thinking, as well as feeling, and thinking can in turn lead to sensitivity of feeling. And since many creative people by necessity use their thinking and feeling processes, I think this thinking too ‘much’ comes with the territory for creatives. But what is thinking too much? Too much for what, exactly?

Well what seems implied in the too, is that thinking excessively is bad for us (and the guy in the gif looks like he’s having a bad time for sure). We all know the dangers of overthinking something, only to find the actual doing far simpler than anticipated, and yes, we should be vigilant of that. But what I’m getting at here is that when someone accuses you of thinking too much, they are suggesting that you’re thinking too much for your own good. That you are harming yourself and your mental health with too much thinking. Where does it get you? is their subtext. What do you achieve by it? And that you are creating problems that don’t exist. Why would you do that? they think. You yourself may know that it’s what you think and how you think that matters. That it’s not a case of ‘I think, therefore I am’, but rather ‘I think, therefore I’m me’ and I’m not going to stop, thank you very much.

Let’s turn it around for a moment and imagine yourself saying ‘you think too much’ to someone else - someone who’s going into great depth, analysing a certain idea or situation or how they are feeling about something. How do you feel when you say these words? Well I would feel dismissive of what they were talking about or trying to describe. I would feel judgmental too. There could also be a defence mechanism or two going on, not wanting to be bothered by someone else’s questioning because you don’t want to question yourself. You may have reflected hard in the past and it only caused you pain and confusion, so you stopped because it became too difficult, and right now you’re fighting back with a bit of denial, repression, or projection. Or you may believe that life just has to be a simple case of being happy, not pestering yourself with problematical thoughts that get in the way of that, and if that means absorbing as truth everything you are meant to do in mainstream society to achieve a happy life, then you must do it. Chill out, for heaven’s sake, stop making too much of everything!

But what if you are a creative person who relies on thinking? If I hadn’t been a thinker, I’d never have written a novel or anything else I value and I certainly wouldn’t be doing this blog. Writers need to think, it’s in their job description. Music makers, art makers, all creative people use their heads and hearts, synchronising them in what can be a wonderful harmony. We have channels for all that thinking in a creative life, all that thinking can be put to good use. Not only that, all that thinking can be good for our development, to become a better person, a more self-empowered person. And that is a worthwhile aim that can lead to a deeper form of happiness, a kind of reconciled inner peace through acceptance of ourselves. But we have to tackle our thinking if we are to stand a chance of getting there. A case of no pain, no gain, which could almost be a natural law.

‘Life is difficult’ psychologist, Scott Peck, says in his opening line of The Road Less Travelled. And later on he points out that it’s absurd to tell people they think too much, when it is thinking that makes us human and that ‘the process of constant self-examination and contemplation is essential for ultimate survival.’ He goes on to say ‘Examination of the world without is never as personally painful as examination of the world within…’ and that is why ‘the majority steer away from it.’ And yet the pain becomes less important as one progresses on the path of self examination and self development. And as we go along this road less travelled we make constant adjustments to our values, our moral compasses and our life maps. We constantly evaluate, look at both sides of an argument, we go into the grey of things instead of simply seeing black and white, and we thereby develop empathy and increased understanding, we understand ourselves more and in doing so come to understand others. We carry on learning and carry on questioning. All this is the way it should be, otherwise we stagnate, we don’t grow, and we remain inflexible to the vicissitudes of life. If we don’t do this learning through thinking, we are, ironically perhaps, less likely to be able to go with the flow of life because we’re hanging on to fixed beliefs and set-in- concrete ways of judging life.

According to Jung:’ Thinking is difficult, that is why most people judge’, which in the above context makes a lot of sense.

‘The unexamined life is not worth living’, vowed Socrates. And here are some thoughts on what he may have meant by this from Wikipedia and Sparknotes . His claim would seem to suggest that ‘only in striving to come to know ourselves and to understand ourselves do our lives have any meaning or value. Socrates believed that philosophy - the love of wisdom - was the most important pursuit above all else. For some, he exemplifies, more than anyone else in history, the pursuit of wisdom through questioning and logical argument, by examining and by thinking. His 'examination' of life in this way spilled out into the lives of others, such that they began their own 'examination' of life, but he knew they would all die one day, as saying that a life without philosophy - an 'unexamined' life - was not worth living’.

And on the connections between thinking and creativity, here is an interesting article, by Mary Taylor who runs the Centre For Creative Intelligence, on The Highly Creative Person

Within it she comments, that the aptitudes of:

a rapid flow of ideas

divergent thinking

sharp sensory skills

strong intuition

high emotional intelligence

analytically–heightened consciousness (meaning clarity, accuracy and precision in thought and language)

Empathically–heightened consciousness (with an acute awareness and understanding of one’s own feelings as they occur and the ability to be highly attuned to the emotions of others, accompanied by an innate capacity to experience one’s emotional life to great depth along with a values-centered awareness)

Aptitudes which all contribute to creative intelligence – 'a talent for making meaningful connections, even among seemingly unrelated elements and in so doing, bring forth new and valuable ideas, discoveries, inventions and works of art into one or more pre-existing or even new domains'.

Now I’m not putting creative people on a pedestal here, I’m simply looking at what I feel are facts. So in that vein, I’m asking - how could we operate in any of the above ways if we didn’t do a lot of thinking?

And for those of us who love to read, a nice quote from John Locke ( philospher and Enlightenment period thinker) : ‘Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.’ (As well as marking passages in the margins of course ;>))

And to finish, taking on board the issue of thinking too much, here is a great animation on The Dangers of Thinking Too Much; And Thinking Too Little, from The School Of Life, to balance things out:

‘There are dangers associated both with thinking too much - and thinking too little. The trick is to use our minds to access our most sincere, authentic and original thoughts.’ And the the transcript for the video can be found here

I’ll be taking a break from posting next week for my birthday, but I’ll be back with the topics of dealing with reviews for your literary endeavours, the good, the bad and the ugly. And after that I'll be tackling marketing a novel – I’m far from being an expert, but I’ll share what I’ve gleaned so far.

Cheers for now!

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My New Novel - On Turtle Beach

March 12th, 2018

My New Novel - On Turtle Beach

Well the day has finally arrived where I can say ‘I’ve published my novel’. No more questions from people asking me ‘when?’ No more asking myself questions like How? What if? Should I do this? Should I do that? And I have to say it’s quite a relief to have got it out there now. I’m posting a day earlier than usual, because I can’t stand this waiting any longer. What comes next, I have no idea, sink or swim, maybe ;>) I will be posting about the journey soon, not all the technical stuff, there’s masses of information about that, so much it can drive you a little crazy, but more about the inner process.

And always at the back of my mind was (and still is) that great quote from Gandhi which I posted many months ago now, which to my mind pertains so aptly to creative people. When we lose a little heart from time to time, chanting this to yourself can put that heart right back in there.

”Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”

And I wrote about how I feel about this quote in an earlier post here

But now, I hope you don’t mind me telling you about On Turtle Beach (and I get to do italics now!), which is very close to my heart and always will be because it’s my first novel and I so relished the writing of it. US link to it here

Here is the description/blurb:

Struggling artist, Lucy, and her successful sister, Rhea, go on holiday together to Dalyan in Turkey to try to heal their relationship, and so fulfil their father’s dying wish. But they soon realise that Lucy’s passionate nature and Rhea’s restraint means it’s difficult to find common ground. Lucy wants to bond, but Rhea would rather read her novel. When Lucy tries to get Rhea to talk about their childhood and why their relationship suddenly deteriorated, Rhea refuses to discuss it and Lucy becomes suspicious she is hiding something. Tensions soon escalate, and against the backdrop of the turtle beach, Lucy is forced to come up with a plan to get her sister to open up. Can Lucy discover what family secrets her sister is hiding, the revealing of which threatens to destroy them both?

I’m just in the process of getting to know Goodreads, and I enjoyed answering one of their stock questions the other day, which I’d like to share…

Q: Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?

A: I often used to wonder how my sister and I would get on if we went on holiday together, just the two of us, and I asked other women how they felt about this situation too. Most seemed to flinch at the idea, coming from the premise that they and their sister were too different, were like chalk and cheese and would probably bicker or come to blows. I thought it would be great to explore this. Holidaying in Dalyan, Turkey, gave me my setting for the story, and the themes came in from there. I thoroughly enjoyed writing the novel and actually miss the two sister protagonists very much! Meanwhile, just in case you’re wondering, through writing the novel, my real life sister and I are actually getting on much better than ever before.

That’s it for now, and thank you all for your support of this blog, it really is very much appreciated. Cheers until next time!